Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Guinness "Light"

In a previous post I talked about my friends that don't like Guinness while I still don't understand how any one could not love a pint of the "Black Stuff" it is true that every beer is not for everyone. When people who tell me they don't like beer I usually tell them they just haven't found one they like yet because there are so many different kinds and flavors out there I really do believe there is something for everyone. Even my buddy Frankie who "doesn't like beer" found a beer he likes, I just kept bringing different ones over until I found one he liked. True it was Tequiza (discontinued) so it was a odd kinda tequila/fruity beer but a beer none the less. Now I have to find him a different one I guess.
Anyway this leads me to Guinness Black Lager, this beer has the great roasted, complex flavor of Guinness Draught, yet it is a lager so the beer is much "lighter" not as "thick" as my friends put it. The flavor is really amazing and you can tell it is Guinness family beer but it is a more refreshing session style beer as compared to a stout. (Not everyone can "session Guinness like an Irishman) It goes great with most meals, as a dinner beer or with the right desert it can be quite good as well, think chocolate and cheesecake type things. I am thinking of making a Chocolate Guinness cheesecake and this may be the one to use in it not original Guinness, I will let you all know how that turns out.
As of right now due to the liquor laws in Utah this is only available at the DABC stores because it is a 4.5 ABV beer but most of the ones I have been to have it in stock, since it is the DABC store you can get 1 or 2 if you like but in my opinion it is one worth keeping a six pack of in the fridge.

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